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A Winning Formula

HOTWORX congratulates franchisees, Katherine Proffitt and Darin Toone, who were awarded 3 franchise licenses in the Phoenix (Prescott) market and recently opened their Phoenix, AZ (Northern) studio!

What originally motivated you to consider a business opportunity?
We've been customers of several fitness franchises, and have always enjoyed the experience and benefit of joining their memberships. We heard about HOTWORX during a time where we were open to a new opportunity or project, and once we started to learn more about the concept, we really liked it! Darin is self-employed full time in the internet marketing space and Kat in corporate medical device sales. From our experience of being together for almost a decade, we knew that as a team we could have a winning formula with what HOTWORX brings to the table.

What led you to explore franchising rather than an independent business?
We have had a handful of our own independent businesses. During the franchisee disclosure process we gained a better understanding of the support that HOTWORX as a franchisor provides. The more we understood, the more it seemed like an opportunity we couldn't refuse just with how thoughtful and seamless HOTWORX tries to make it for the franchisees.

What was your initial impression of your first HOTWORX session?
Honestly, there was room for improvement. I was surprised to be disappointed, and it was possibly due to them being really new. We then went to another location and the difference was night and day. The location and staff at our "second" initial impression had solid customer service, were organized and knowledgable, and had really good follow up. Seeing the range of experience really propelled us into thinking about the impact we could have as owners in our own locations, and how we really want to be thoughtful and intentional with a goal of everyone having the best experience possible when walking into our future locations!

How was your experience going through the HOTWORX Discovery Process?
It was good. We enjoyed going over the separate topics every week, which allowed each topic to sink in and allowed us more time to really vet the idea. Cynthia is awesome!

How would you describe your Orientation Day and meeting the HOTWORX Executive Team?
Orientation Day was really validating. With each speaker or topic, we became more secure in our decision. As we learned more, we liked more. The members of the Executive Team clearly demonstrate their infectious passion for HOTWORX and all came across as fun, kind, and welcoming.

What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs considering the opportunity to franchise with HOTWORX?
Do it! Let's take over the world together!

What are the top 3 reasons you chose to franchise with HOTWORX?
1. We believe in the benefits of the workout
2. We like the "low overhead" business model
3. For what HOTWORX as a franchisor brings to the table

What excites you the most in offering HOTWORX to your community?
We love the gratification that comes from creating and being a part of our local community. More recently we've been in restaurant and retail, so to do HOTWORX in the fitness space is fun, new, and exciting.

What goals do you plan to accomplish in your first year as a HOTWORX franchisee?
1000 CLUB!!

How will HOTWORX help you achieve your personal and professional goals?
Professionally, we want to ensure our locations are successful to create a stable financial future for us. To be able to create that future through helping others feel and actually have better health is an amazing opportunity to meet our personal goal of having a positive impact as members of our community and society, especially considering the effects of the global pandemic.

Congratulations, Kat & Darin, and welcome to the HOTWORX team!
Looking for a new business opportunity and want to learn more about HOTWORX?


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