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Follow the Game Plan

HOTWORX congratulates franchisee, Christy Dodds, who was awarded 2 franchise licenses in the Louisville market and recently opened her Louisville, KY (Highlands) studio!

What originally motivated you to consider a business opportunity?
I have been a Realtor for 9 years. It is something that I love and was deeply passionate about, but when the pandemic hit, I (like many others) had to reconsider my priorities. The real estate world is 24/7/365 and the schedule is unpredictable from day-to-day. In addition to the pandemic craze, I had my second baby in April 2021, and no longer wanted to work around the crazy schedule and miss nights and weekends with my kids.

What led you to explore franchising rather than an independent business?
I had actually considered an independent business, so much so that I purchased a building in February 2020 with the intent of remodeling it and opening a “Wellness Center”. As we all know, everything changed in March 2020. I no longer had the desire to start from scratch and work around all of the new regulations. With my kids home so much and a new baby, I lacked the time to create something on my own, so I made the decision to sell the building. As fate would have it, I signed the contract to sell the building on the same day that I signed a HOTWORX franchise agreement.

What was your initial impression of your first HOTWORX session?
I was immediately hooked. I have had memberships at several gyms, a local hot yoga studio and a Barre3 in the past. While I enjoyed the yoga and barre, the class times didn’t always align with my schedule and I found it hard to stay motivated for 60 - 75 minutes in a group setting. The HOTWORX experience was totally different. The mental reset that it gave me was incredible - I could not wait to go back again! The 30 minute workouts were exactly what I needed to work around my job and my children’s schedules. For the first time in my life, I WANT to go workout. It is the best part of my day and the only time I get to myself - it is SACRED!

How was your experience going through the HOTWORX Discovery Process?
Nancy called me within 15 minutes of my online inquiry. From the start, I think we connected. I liked her attitude and that she had an answer and an explanation for any objection that I could come up with (mostly questions, I really didn’t have too many objections). Each week, my enthusiasm for HOTWORX grew and I could not wait to learn more about the concept.

How would you describe your Orientation Day and meeting the HOTWORX Executive Team?
I thought the orientation was very organized and informative. While it was a long day, it was interesting and to the point. It was nice to see the Executive Team interact and to learn more about the culture of the company.

What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs considering the opportunity to franchise with HOTWORX?
I visited four different HOTWORX locations before making the decision to go for it. I asked a lot of questions. I took a few friends to work out with me in order to get their thoughts on the concept. Speaking to the owners and managers was important to me.

What are the top 3 reasons you chose to franchise with HOTWORX?
1. The way I feel after completing a workout at HOTWORX - incredible.
2. The limited number of employees needed to operate.
3. The convenience of a 24 hour studio and quick workouts.

What excites you the most in offering HOTWORX to your community?
I can’t wait to help people discover an affordable way to reset their mind and body. I feel better, I look better, and I am able to accomplish so much more after a sauna session. I can’t wait to help others discover this feeling, especially (but not limited to) working moms!

What goals do you plan to accomplish in your first year as a HOTWORX franchisee?
Lose my baby weight and make a 6-figure profit.

How will HOTWORX help you achieve your personal and professional goals?
I love that the formula is already there, I just need to follow the game plan. I am so looking forward to a predictable schedule and a healthy work/life balance!!

Congratulations, Christy, and welcome to the HOTWORX team!
Looking for a new business opportunity and want to learn more about HOTWORX?


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