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Health is Wealth

HOTWORX congratulates franchisees, Edward, Colleen, and Kiley Reardon, who were awarded 3 franchise licenses in the Chicago market and recently opened their Elmhurst, IL studio!

What originally motivated you to consider a business opportunity?
I come from a franchise family, growing up working in our family business. I currently co-own a nutritional diet center with my husband Ed. We are obsessed with everything exercise & nutrition.

What led you to explore franchising rather than an independent business?
We are currently helping run 2 businesses that we started ourselves, but like the structure and organization of a franchise. We were looking for a franchise with the necessary systems in place to help succeed long term.

What was your initial impression of your first HOTWORX session?
I liked the length, simplicity, and working with a Virtual Instructor for my first session. As someone with an extensive weight lifting background, I found my first session extremely difficult, but also a great complement to my current routines.

How was your experience going through the HOTWORX Discovery Process?
The HOTWORX Discovery Process was pretty straight forward. We found it helpful to review the information prior to the calls. The more prepared you are for the meetings, the more knowledge you gain and are able to get any questions answered. We would have liked to see more current owner examples of all the various processes.

How would you describe your Orientation Day and meeting the HOTWORX Executive Team?
Colleen and Kiley were unable to attend Orientation Day due to the flu, but got to meet our coach and fellow franchisee owners on our first team call. Ed attended Orientation Day and found it to be an excellent way to meet the Executive Team.

What advice would you give to other candidates considering the opportunity to franchise with HOTWORX?
I would tell candidates to really do their homework, especially location options prior to orientation. Although you work with a national broker after Orientation Day, they don’t know the sub markets of areas and really just focus on numbers and demographics. I would tell them the keys to long term success are listening to your Performance Coach, and having a great manager and a solid location.

What are the top 3 reasons you chose to franchise with HOTWORX?
1. Growing industry
2. We're current business owners looking to expand to more than one franchise.
3. The systematic approach to running the business

What excites you the most in offering HOTWORX to your community?
The health benefits to exercising/working out in a HOTWORX sauna seems to really be catching on in the health community. As an owner, you really have to believe in your business beyond the sales numbers. Health is wealth. I love that HOTWORX is so affordable for such a great workout. The exercise space is extremely competitive and the cost/value is going to play a much bigger role in the next 10 years.

What goals do you plan to accomplish in your first year as a HOTWORX franchisee?
Our entire focus is on reaching 1000 members in our first year!

How will HOTWORX help you achieve your personal and professional goals?
We are very health conscious and believe HOTWORX has really found an important niche in the market of wellness. We believe HOTWORX covers both our personal and professional goals in this aspect as well as providing a steady income.

Congratulations, Edward, Colleen, and Kiley, and welcome to the HOTWORX team!
Looking for a new business opportunity and want to learn more about HOTWORX?


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