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My Definition of the American Dream

HOTWORX congratulates franchisees, Sanela and Vedat Djencic, who were awarded 3 franchise licenses in the New York market and recently opened their Staten Island, NY (Charleston) studio!

What originally motivated you to consider a business opportunity?
We are currently self employed in the food industry and we have been in the industry for 3 years. We started the business from scratch with little experience in the industry. Through our hard work and dedication as a team, our business thrived and we realized it's time to expand into other areas of business.

What led you to explore franchising rather than an independent business?
Since we are currently independent, we decided our next venture should be a little different and loved the business model HOTWORX offered.

What was your initial impression of your first HOTWORX session?
I enjoyed the variety and the idea of more burn in a short amount of time versus your big box gym.

How was your experience going through the HOTWORX Discovery Process?
I felt very comfortable working with my recruiter. Everything was very straightforward and organized.

How would you describe your Orientation Day and meeting the HOTWORX Executive Team?
It was amazing! The team is super knowledgeable and to me it just reassured what I already felt all along the Discovery Process. I also appreciate Steve joining the call and seeing first hand his passion for the brand as a business owner myself. It speaks volumes.

What advice would you give to other candidates considering the opportunity to franchise with HOTWORX?
TRUST the process and visit a studio to really see how well executed HOTWORX really is.

What are the top 3 reasons you chose to franchise with HOTWORX?
1. I love the variety of sessions that HOTWORX offers.
2. Its uniqueness to the health industry is a game changer.
3. My passion for health & wellness

What excites you the most in offering HOTWORX to your community?
It's not a big box gym. HOTWORX offers a unique approach to the health industry that's going to be a game changer for the community.

What goals do you plan to accomplish in your first year as a HOTWORX franchisee?
I want to learn the business and make it a huge success in my market area with my HOTWORX team.

How will HOTWORX help you achieve your personal and professional goals?
It has always been my definition of the American Dream to be self employed especially in the health and fitness industry.

Congratulations, Sanela & Vedat, and welcome to the HOTWORX team!
Looking for a new business opportunity and want to learn more about HOTWORX?


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