“Despite extensive research, to date there is no evidence to conclude that exposure to low level electromagnetic fields is harmful to human health.”
…World Health Organization
There is a lot of confusion today with respect to EMF, which stands for electromagnetic field, and how it relates to infrared saunas and the health effects of these charged particles on the human body. EMF’s are electric and magnetic fields of energy that are created by electronic devices including cell phones, microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners, etc. We are concerned with infrared sauna heaters, which is also an electrical device that emits low level electromagnetic radiation.
Electrical currents exist throughout the natural world and low level electromagnetic radiation is generated by the human body due to normal chemical reactions.
Though scientifically unfounded, hysteria seems to exist over the issue of EMF’s among certain groups of people. Beware of articles you read that fail to cite scientific research! There have been thousands of studies worldwide on the topic of EMF’s and public health. The evidence has been analyzed by governmental agencies and conclusions have been made.
Let’s take the Environmental Protection Agency, for example. Please read these excerpts from the EPA Website:
-“In the United States, there are no federal standards limiting electromagnetic fields from power lines and other sources to people at work or home.”
-“There is no clear scientific evidence that electromagnetic fields affect health. However, if you are concerned about possible health risks from electric and magnetic fields you can reduce your exposure by:
Increasing the distance between yourself and the source - The greater the distance between you and the source of EMF, the less your exposure.
Limiting the time spent around the source - The less time you spend near EMF, the lower your exposure.” (1)
HOTWORX infrared fitness saunas emit EMF levels that are well within the EPA recommended exposure levels which are .5 mG to 2.5 mG and workouts are performed 1 to 2 feet away from the EMF source. Below you will see a slide from the HOTWORX User Certification Course that shows the actual levels of EMF milliGauss emitted inside of the HOTWORX infrared sauna at 127º Fahrenheit.

What does the World Health Organization have to say about EMF’s?
“Despite many studies, the evidence for any effect remains highly controversial. However, it is clear that if electromagnetic fields do have an effect on cancer, then any increase in risk will be extremely small. The results to date contain many inconsistencies, but no large increases in risk have been found for any cancer in children or adults.”
“A number of epidemiological studies suggest small increases in risk of childhood leukemia with exposure to low frequency magnetic fields in the home. However, scientists have not generally concluded that these results indicate a cause-effect relation between exposure to the fields and disease (as opposed to artifacts in the study or effects unrelated to field exposure). In part, this conclusion has been reached because animal and laboratory studies fail to demonstrate any reproducible effects that are consistent with the hypothesis that fields cause or promote cancer. Large-scale studies are currently underway in several countries and may help resolve these issues.” (2)
Governmental agencies have consistently concluded based on the evidence that there are no health consequences from exposure to low level EMF’s.
With respect to HOTWORX infrared workout saunas, since customers are only exposed for 30 minutes or 15 minutes per workout and due to the fact that users are typically 1 to 2 feet away from the EMF source, there should be no need for concern.
Ensure that your sauna EMF’s fall within EPA guidelines and enjoy the infrared!
(1) https://www3.epa.gov/radtown/electric-magnetic-fields.html(2) http://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/index1.html