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Want Better Workouts? Plan a Fitness Vacation!

Want Better Workouts? Plan a Fitness Vacation!

I usually write at least one blog article per year about the topic of keeping yourself motivated by setting a date and planning for a fitness oriented vacation. I think it is super important to take a vacation, when you know that you’ve earned it, so you can reset your mind and your body.

Know Your Heart Rate During Workouts

Know Your Heart Rate During Workouts

Staying fit and healthy is a goal many of us strive for, but achieving it requires more than just hitting the gym, doing yoga, or going for a run. One crucial aspect often overlooked is monitoring your heart rate during workouts.

Warrior, Winner, or Both?

Warrior, Winner, or Both?

Do you want to be a winner for your health and fitness? Or, do you want to be a warrior for it? Why not be both?! It boils down to discipline.

Fitness Momentum

Fitness Momentum

Like any athletic endeavor, fitness is also a game of momentum. In this game it is you versus you though.

A Workout That’s Not a Chore

A Workout That’s Not a Chore

I received a message from a HOTWORX customer recently on Instagram requesting advice on how to properly hydrate and how to use creatine as a supplement. I was happy to respond to her with a few suggestions.

A Fitness Quest in Argentina

A Fitness Quest in Argentina

I can’t think of a better way to put a fitness level to the test than climbing a mountain. Different mountains present different challenges. This year the field of play would be a mountain high in the Andes of Argentina.

The Will to Succeed

The Will to Succeed

Fitness success requires will, and will requires an acknowledgment that your mind can indeed control where you take your body. Elite athletes know that when your mind is right you can do things with your body that you once thought not possible, and out of reach so to speak.

Find Your Fitness Momentum in 2023

Find Your Fitness Momentum in 2023

Just the thought of the word momentum conjures up memories for me of the effort it takes to get something going. The first step of any journey, especially one for fitness, is always the hardest, and it takes momentum to keep it going and growing.


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