True Entrepreneurs are optimistic by nature.
That said, entrepreneurs need to nurture their optimistic nature by staying fit physically and mentally.
First off, keeping up the workouts, no matter where they are done, can help to lower the business stress and raise the levels of optimism.
Secondly, it is vital for fitness entrepreneurs to remain mentally tough during a crisis like the one we are experiencing right now. The main thing to remember is how important it is to maintain a positive state of mind. It doesn’t just happen, though. We choose the state of our mind, in the same way that we choose to workout! Entrepreneurs like us need to keep our attitudes on a high note at all time. State of mind is a matter of discipline. It’s a mandatory choice if we want to win in business.
Lead by example to build a culture that values winning based on positive thinking.
Never forget that positivity attracts positivity, and negativity attracts negativity. You are who you hang out with online or in person. Hang out with winners.
This is especially important for fitness industry entrepreneurs to remember since health clubs are largely in the business of positivity and motivation.
Just choose to avoid the quicksand of negativity. You don’t have to go there. Face your challenges and stay on the solid ground of positivity.
Positivity is a mindset.
I think back to one of my off-season football coaches, Coach Duke, who used to constantly tell his athletes, “Get your mind right!” With that phrase he would convey the importance of mental focus and belief that the task at hand can be done.
In order to be successful during a crisis, get your entrepreneurial mind right! Hang out with positive people and practice your own “bright future” mentality so that it can elevate yourself and those you choose to work with. It will result in higher levels of performance, guaranteed.
Just last week, one of our Dallas, TX franchise owners, Stacy Barbara, while in the midst of this economic lockdown, had to deal with the piling on of yet another crisis. Somehow, a car accidentally was placed in reverse and crashed into her studio glass storefront landing almost the entire vehicle into the lobby. Without even thinking about it, Stacy told her HOTWORX business coach, Alyssa, that she would be back up and ready for the pending reopening as early as Friday of that week only three days after the Tuesday incident! Now that is the winning attitude of a true entrepreneur!

I communicated with Stacy via email and she shared with me that one of her favorite quotes, and one that she said “nicely applies here” is:
“Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don't have the strength." Theodore Roosevelt
Much respect goes out to Stacy!! A positive, get it done attitude is one big reason why her studio is so successful, crisis or no crisis.
The HOTWORX franchise team has also remained upbeat and very busy throughout the COVID crisis working from home to educate all of the people who have continued to inquire about entrepreneurship through franchising. HOTWORX has refused to let the crisis slow down the franchise recruitment efforts and has even granted 33 new franchise licenses in March and April!
Paul Rackley, one of our newest multi-unit HOTWORX franchisees, shared his perspective stating, “The current economic environment coupled with the product we are selling, and the organization you are involving yourself with, makes it a good time to start this journey.”
As a fitness entrepreneur myself, with a New Orleans based team, who has managed through many national and local crises including 911, Hurricane Katrina, the BP Oil Spill, the Great Recession, and now COVID, I can tell you without a doubt that your attitude determines your altitude!
How high you bounce depends on what you do right now…
Stay positive my entrepreneurial friends and we will continue to blaze right through this to the other side!