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Heat Acclimation

Why do champions train in extreme conditions? I would submit to you the old adage: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Ok, that sounds extreme for sure, but I am tired of reading and listening to the weak speak of some of the so called fitness gurus out there. For crying out loud, CHALLENGE YOURSELF!I am not advocating recklessness when it comes to working out. No, I am calling for everyone to go at your own BEST PACE and reach your limit without overdoing it.So, why not try working out in an infrared heated environment?! When your body is submitted to above normal temperatures during a workout magic happens.As reported at…You Become A Better Sweater“…sweat glands fatigue less and the body better distributes sweat.”Cardiovascular Function Improves“Most important, adaptations put less stress on the heart, resulting in a decrease in heart rate at any given intensity and increase in stroke volume”Exercise Performance Increases“The non-acclimatized person will run slower and fatigue faster in heat; but as acclimatization takes place, these negative effects will fade and running capacity and performance will increase…”

Once the body returns to normal climate conditions after heat acclimation, it will perform at a higher level than before!

And there you have it, what we all want for our customers…a better quality of life!Give your clients the opportunity to try heat acclimation with HOTWORX at 125 degrees for 30 minute sessions. Thousands of people are making tremendous fitness gains with their regular weekly HOTWORX isometric routines.

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Stephen P. Smith, MA
CEO and Creator of HOTWORX, Author, Former National Collegiate Bodybuilding Champion and Arena Football Player, Certified Professional Trainer


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