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Infrared Training for Endurance

What does it mean to endure?

The simple answer to that question is to last. The best fitness programs pay attention to endurance. The definition of endurance is:

1-the fact or power of enduring or bearing pain, hardships, etc.
2-the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina (1)

The body and the mind can become more durable through fitness. Endurance is durability!

Professional athletes have used extreme environments such as altitude using mental toughness to force their bodies to acclimate so that when they return to a more normal field of play their performance is much greater.

Look at it this way. Baseball players use weights added to their bats when they warm up on deck before stepping up to the plate. Of course, they do this so that their swing is more powerful when the weights are dropped from the bat. The same logic is applied when heat is added to a workout environment. After an infrared workout, when returning to the familiar, you will notice how everything in the normal world is easier! Infrared training is your weighted bat preparing you for a better swing in real life.

Infrared training is a proven way to build mental and physical endurance. Placing yourself into a workout that forces you to acclimate to an out of the ordinary environment builds endurance more efficiently than training in an air-conditioned weight room or studio.

Here’s a real life example of building endurance with infrared heat acclimation. Before I began training in HOTWORX infrared saunas I would get winded when snow skiing. It wasn’t long after I started training in a sauna that I noticed that I was not winded anymore on the mountain. The X factor was the HOTWORX 3D Training! It helped me to build a high level of endurance for the slopes.

Beyond the heat acclimation, training inside of an infrared sauna favors endurance training because it naturally enhances your ability to focus. Better focus yields more workout intensity. The enclosed sauna environment and the soothing infrared absorption is very advantageous for the mind to body connection which requires high levels of awareness. I talk about this in my book, HOT EXERCISE. Here’s an excerpt:

Envision high levels of focus and determination just before your workouts. Rid your mind of daily stress and focus on your workout. Never forget that the workout environment can make or break the mind/body connection.
One of the reasons we created the HOTWORX® workout sauna was to provide a tool to help workout focus. Inside the infrared sauna, the setting is private, intimate, and designed for no more than three clients. With the infrared energy and heat at 125°F, enhancing the ability to be present at the moment for all your workouts, your training sets will be more engaging. Your mental connection with your body movement in these small-group training sessions will always be higher than that of open, air-conditioned workout rooms packed with too many people.

In summary, fitness programs should pay special attention to the build-up of mental and physical durability for clients, and the combination of mental focus and acclimation to beyond normal workout environments is the key to building endurance. Training inside of an infrared sauna like that of the HOTWORX patented workout sauna provides fast and effective endurance training results.

The next time you go to the gym, think about endurance. Think your training to a higher level. Ask yourself, “Am I focused on building up my ability to outlast any tough situation?”

Train for a mind and body that is built to endure! 👊🔥

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Stephen P. Smith, MA
CEO and Creator of HOTWORX, Author, Former National Collegiate Bodybuilding Champion and Arena Football Player, Certified Professional Trainer


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