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Ready, Set, GOAL!

After working non-stop, on the road across the Northwest part of the USA for the last 6 days, I went for some down time today. I happened to end my work trip in Salt Lake City, so I planned ahead to spend a few days on the ski slopes.I use snow skiing as a motivational tool when I work out. My ski trips are planned and then used as my physical GOAL! If I am weight training or if I am working out in the HOTWORX, I am in constant training for my next ski trip! That’s me. For you, it might be a hiking vacation, or a vacation that involves paddle boarding, or yoga, or some other physical activity.I have always believed that in order for anyone to achieve a balance in life, some sort of physical goal has to be a part of the equation. For me, that physical goal has been quality snow skiing. I work to improve my physical fitness for the purpose of upping the “quality” of my snow skiing game. Skiing is the most fun that I can have while achieving a high level of quality exercise at the same time. Accomplishment of a goal is always fun!So, I practice weight training and HOTWORX to make myself a better skier. If I am a better skier, then I have more fun on the slopes, and to me that is the greatest natural high ever! A good ski trip is a super motivator for my fitness routine.I ready myself with weight training and HOTWORX, then I set a specific date for my next ski trip. When I finally get off the first gondola ride up the mountain, it’s GOAL time!Use of a physical goal that is a sport related vacation can elevate the performance of your workout program.Ready, Set, GOAL your way to fitness!

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Stephen P. Smith, MA
CEO and Creator of HOTWORX, Author, Former National Collegiate Bodybuilding Champion and Arena Football Player, Certified Professional Trainer


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