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Speed Up Results with Infrared Training

Fitness, like everything else, is evolving, and people are gravitating towards routines that are more effective in less time. I remember when the thing to do was hit the weight room and then head to a treadmill for cardio followed by a session in the sauna. Many people are still doing it that way, but there is a faster and more effective method to train and recover nowadays.

Welcome to infrared training…

When you combine an infrared energized workout environment with the heat that is generated and the right type of exercise, you can take your workouts to another level. The HOTWORX franchise has popularized the use of its patented infrared workout sauna to deliver infrared training results for customers all across the country.

Let’s break it down. Take the HOTWORX Hot Bands workout for example. This all bands, full body workout is done in 30 minutes total including the warmup. The workout gets it all done fast. With the use of bands, it combines the resistance training equivalent to weights and the cardio training is an incredible byproduct inside of the infrared workout sauna. Hot Bands is superior for results compared to that of weight training followed by treadmill.

And then there is an added benefit. When you combine infrared energy with heat you get 7X more detox from the sweating. This effect greatly enhances the workout recovery process while cleansing the body from the inside out.

Hot Bands yields better results in 30 minutes than a 45 minute weight training workout followed by 30 minutes on a treadmill and then a 20 minute sauna session. That’s 95 minutes! If you can get better results in 30 minutes, then why not just combine all three into a modern workout that saves you time and gets you more?! The old way is a waste of 65 minutes, which is more than an hour of your day!

TIME is the most valuable commodity we have. How we use it during our lifespan determines the quality of how we live. The “fitness time” of our life should be fun, interesting, effective and fast.


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Stephen P. Smith, MA
CEO and Creator of HOTWORX, Author, Former National Collegiate Bodybuilding Champion and Arena Football Player, Certified Professional Trainer


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