The HOTWORX franchise introduced a new fitness level of accomplishment through its Burn Off App this January, the Level 7. Level 7 requires that, first of all a customer needs to achieve Level 6 which requires a calorie burn of 27,000 or more for a 90 day challenge and takes a Herculean effort to get there, then to get to level 7 they have to record daily meals in the Diet Trax nutrition tracker (that is available to premium customers in the Burn Off App) every day without fail within a 10% calorie deficit or better to your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
Level 7 is the ultimate HOTWORX 90 day challenge.
Kelly Ham was up for the challenge from the time she joined the HOTWORX location in South Arlington, TX. I had a chance to interview her to find out how she accomplished this feat as the first ever to do so, and with 30k+ calories burned with 100% Diet Trax discipline.
Kelly and her husband Chris actually work out together at HOTWORX. They are a competitive couple to say the least, and both are highly accomplished in their professional careers. Chris is a Hall of Fame former BMX competitor.
It happened faster than I thought it would take for the first level 7 accomplishment, and like that of the original running of the four minute mile, there will be many more to join the ranks of Level 7. But, there will always be the person who got there first, and her name is Kelly Ham. Kelly is an inspiration to listen to and learn from, and her level of energy immediately captivates the conversation.
My first question for her was, how much discipline did it take? Her answer was simple, she said, “A lot!” Then she went on to elaborate about her experiences thus far with HOTWORX. Her and her husband fell in love with the workouts to the point where they decided to become franchisees.
I always like to talk about the fact that the HOTWORX training method, with the use of infrared energy and heat is a “recovery workout”, meaning that your muscles will actually recover from the workout while you are working out. Customers tell me all the time about the incredible workouts that they get from HOTWORX, but without the soreness. This is due to the penetration of infrared energy and heat from the sauna during the workout. Kelly raved about this. In her words, “I got addicted to the feeling of not hurting.” And, “man, the difference it made in my joints!”
My next question was to ask what was her number one motivator to get to Level 7? Her answer: “The thrill of the win. I want to be 1st!” “I like to win.” “I gotta get it in. It feels so good to achieve that goal.”
She first came to know the brand from seeing a social media posting from her fitness fanatic hair stylist back in May of this year. Word about a great way to achieve results travels fast on the internet!
I then asked her about the Diet Trax aspect of Level 7. She explained how she used to use My Fitness Pal, but that now she was using Diet Trax as a feature of her Sweat Everywhere premium HOTWORX membership to allow her to see what she was eating.
Kelly and her husband Chris are opening a franchise in the DFW market. “We are so in love with this that we are now getting our own franchise.” If they attack their new business in the same way that they attack fitness, then they will absolutely crush the franchise numbers. Kelly also told me that her dad raised her, “to do everything 110%, and people will take notice.” Those are wise words to live by, indeed!
Towards the end of our discussion, Kelly said, “This is going to be great for our HOTWORX!” No doubt about that. To be able to say that you are the first Level 7 achiever and this is the HOTWORX franchise that I own will be an incredible story for customers to hear.
What one person can do, so can another! 👊🔥