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The Power of Consistency!

Two things really annoy me when I see them practiced by personal trainers and fitness instructors of all types of exercise.  One, many trainers just ignore the importance of flexibility as a component of each workout and the second thing that really gets under my skin is when instructors advise clients that they must do something different EVERY time they workout.  Injuries happen frequently due to this schizophrenic approach to training.

Lack of proper stretching for flexibility is not good and that can be the subject of another blog article, but what bothers me most is the constant push for changing of every workout and change for every set of each exercise.  Change is good, but timing is everything when it comes to changing your workout routine.  Thus, the seemingly lost art of consistency in fitness needs to be taken into account, once again, to reign in the excessive variety zealots!

What is consistency in fitness?  Let’s take a look at the online definition of the word.

Google Definition
noun: consistency
1. conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness.
"the grading system is to be streamlined to ensure greater consistency”
synonyms:  uniformity, constancy, regularity, evenness, steadiness, stability, equilibrium;
the achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time.
"his principal problem in tennis has been consistency”

Without workout consistency in fitness it becomes very difficult to measure performance progress.  In business, performance progress measurement is vital to success of the organization.  Business performance is measured simply to a standard set for the same business unit in the previous month or in the same month for the previous year.  Business progress is also measured by comparing results to industry standards.  The same logic applies to individual fitness programs.  For example, If a particular workout calls for a 2.5 minute plank, then you will perform the exercise to a level.  When you do the exact same plank for the same 2.5 minutes three days later, chances are you will be stronger and you will perform at a higher level with better form and with less effort.  It is easy to measure your performance when there is consistency with your workout routines.  Conversely, if your trainer calls for you to do a different exercise every single time that you work out, then how will you measure your progress?  What will you have to measure it against?

Variety of workouts = good.Constant change within those workouts = not so good.

It is certainly ok, and even advisable most of the time to do different types of workouts during your week so long as those workouts remain consistent with their flow of exercises.  HOTWORX   24 Hour Infrared Fitness Studios provide multiple types of isometric workouts and HIIT workouts that remain consistent.  The workouts that need to be revised are upgraded every quarter or 6 months, as needed, but remain true to the flow of exercises so members can always measure their performance on a consistent basis.  Consistency provides a rock solid foundation.

Within consistency, there is plenty of opportunity to experience variety as you progress within a workout routine.  How?  As your strength, balance, endurance and form improves, through the process of improvement you will discover and learn new movement.  Focus on learning new movement.  Learning requires an openness to variety of movement and trial and error.  Discovery of new movement within the disciplines of consistent workout types is the most important variety to seek, not just variety from different exercises in every set.

When you begin to practice consistent workout routines you will easily see the gains that you will make.  Keeping it simple with consistency is powerful in terms of motivation.

Consistency provides for easy progress measurement and constant progress is the best workout reinforcement there is.  Remain consistent my friends!

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Stephen P. Smith, MA
CEO and Creator of HOTWORX, Author, Former National Collegiate Bodybuilding Champion and Arena Football Player, Certified Professional Trainer


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