HOTWORX established the first ever international fitness competition for virtual instructors in 2018. The annual competition is now in its 5th year and it has become an integral part of how the brand recruits fitness talent to serve as members of the 7 person virtual instructor annual lineup. This competition amounts to a global tryout for the VI fitness team.
Using a search/competition format has been an effective method for finding talent and for keeping the lineup fresh each year while also welcoming back repeat competitors who continue to raise the bar. The online voting round is now in full swing but will be closing out this Thursday the 30th at midnight. Be sure to click on the image above and cast your vote!
I must admit that before we opened the first HOTWORX studio, I questioned whether or not virtual training at a gym would be as effective as traditional live instruction. To my delight, when we opened I watched customers fall in love with the VI format. They loved the fact that the workouts always started on point and on time in sync with their Burn Off App appointment. I watched as customers actually resonated with and developed a familiarity with virtual instructors much like they do with any other on screen TV personality. And, the workout results were amazing, as can be attested by the thousands of unsolicited 5 star reviews online.
Based on the power of the virtual instructor program we had created for HOTWORX, the corporate team was more than encouraged to move forward and find ways to enhance the program. This is what brought us to the decision to create the annual Virtual Instructor Competition.
VI’s are required to compete each year to earn a spot in the top 7. This requirement keeps virtual instructors “combat ready” to perform at the highest level for the benefit of HOTWORX members. At the end of the day, the VI program exists to deliver the highest level of workout results to the clients!
Please take a moment and vote for your favorite competitor! CLICK HERE TO VOTE