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Hot Exercise

The Work of Working Out and AOM's

The Work of Working Out and AOM's

Have you ever stopped to think about fitness and the term “working out” itself? There is a reason why working out and workout starts with “work.” Fitness requires work.

You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until It’s Missing

You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until It’s Missing

Everyone should have the opportunity to experience the detox, the mental clarity, the anabolic effect, the balance improvement, the cardio gains, the accelerated fat oxidation, the metabolism boost, and the skin glow that comes with infrared training at HOTWORX.

The New Infrared Workout: HOT STRETCH is a Hit

The New Infrared Workout: HOT STRETCH is a Hit

Based on the feedback from HOTWORX customers, hot infrared stretching as a workout is a hit. We released the new workout on December 27 just after Christmas and the feedback is now in.

Consistency, Prana, and HOTWORX

Consistency, Prana, and HOTWORX

HOTWORX was inspired and then willed into existence out of the practice of hot yoga. The franchise developed as a way to go beyond just hot yoga with the use of infrared and multiple workout types, but it did indeed spring out from the practice of hot yoga and carried with it some of the proven yoga philosophies and practices that date back to ancient times.

HOT STRETCH: A New Year, a New Way to Stretch

HOT STRETCH: A New Year, a New Way to Stretch

We all know that stretching is good for us. But, who said that stretching was only for warming up and cooling down? It certainly is, but it can also be a workout in and of itself.

Power Through the Holidays with Infrared Cardio

Power Through the Holidays with Infrared Cardio

Don’t let the holidays set your fitness into a state of regression this year. Get out in front of the massive calorie intake and counter it with massive calorie burn this year.

3D Training for a Climb to the Top of Mexico

3D Training for a Climb to the Top of Mexico

This will be the third year for the HOTWORX climbing team to scale a mountain and raise money to benefit the Sacred Mountain Retreat Center for wounded veterans, Gold Star families and first responders.

The Power of Neighborhood Fitness Convenience

The Power of Neighborhood Fitness Convenience

A couple of years ago a good friend, who happens to be a banker from New York, said to me, “Steve, the thing that people like about HOTWORX is the fact that it checks off all of the boxes.” I had never really thought about it that way until he said it.


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